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zs6bns @ G8CYK - 2017-04-27T16-15-58Z_14178.0kHz.

South Africa - at last! 5800 mi

(Col) John Smith very kindly set up a sched for me after a near thing the other day, and we looked at the forecast and went for 16:00z

So I bowled up at the time and place and found the squatters were already moved in.

Well, with a little help from our friends we coped, but once again, you have to wonder if the Spanish health service includes hearing aids for cases like EA5EE.

Well, if it didn't happen with a forecast like that, it never would...

All hell...

Who need sun cycles? Conditions on 20m this afternoon have been good, with EA5ON bagging VK and the very rare Tehran EP2LMA. And the band has looked cluttered....


Picking our way through...

This was one of those proper QSOs where every ounce of the fisherman's skill is required at both ends... the recording are a before and after a bit of Sound Forge.


After some post production...

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